BRAND NEW Magnus Skin. - Fortnite Battle Royale Gameplay - Ninja & KingRichard
BRAND NEW Magnus Skin. - Fortnite Battle Royale Gameplay - Ninja & KingRichard
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- katma 16 Tem 2018
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▶ Edited by: RSMisto
▶ Outro song: trclips. com/video/zbq9dfW69Zs/video. html
▶ Intro: CGHarbor
YORUMLAR • 7 934
Zainab Persie 5 gün önce
I did ring the bell but nothing I can get after subscribe and ring bell
Albin Magnusson 20 gün önce
Thats a swedish name
Mighty Randy 27 gün önce
Ninja cheats unsubscribe from him he has aim bot
I love you ninja
You’re really good player fortnight what’s up my freaking got shot bfor
Kelli Robinson Aylar önce +1
Kelli Robinson Aylar önce +1
Your awesome ninja
Stanley Daniels 2 aylar önce
YAYO QUITRAL 3 aylar önce
High Ground 3 aylar önce +1
Alle som er norsk like
Can we be friends
Jonathan Vicente 3 aylar önce
Nite Howler 3 aylar önce +1
Little did ninja know the pump would get valted in season 9 and replaced by the combat shotgun
Oh and also little did ninja know there would be a new epic and legendary pump in season 6
BattleMercy101 Yes 2 aylar önce +1
Fearless Ashton you said little did twice which is not a smart comment and yea he knew it's not like you knew before
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