суббота, 14 сентября 2019 г.

Zany fortnite



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YORUMLAR • 4 532

Темирыч 21 saatler önce +1

*Когда учитель несмешно пошутил, но тебе нужна хорошая оценка:* 13:47

VesT YouTube 21 saatler önce +1

Первая реклама которую я посмотрел полностью))))

Серёга Лубачев 21 saatler önce +1

Мамикс на турнике можно попробовать использовать магнезию но не уверен нужно попробовать.

Татьяна Шпакова 21 saatler önce

Висел 2.10 минуты на обычном турнике. Думаю если снова начну тренить то получится и на таком лохотроне выиграть

Сергей григорьев 21 saatler önce

Thefrenk bit 21 saatler önce

После выхода этого ролика, все лохотроны резко обеднели

Екатерина Кувенёва 21 saatler önce

😹😹😹😹я просто ору когда Стёпа упал с лестницы и Андрей угарал просто😹😹😹😹😹❤

пол видео реклама

Владимир Елизаров 21 saatler önce

Тони Фергюсон 21 saatler önce

Реклама стоит этого

Саша Житко 21 saatler önce +1

28:07 - на этом моменте я думала он поет

Bike Pepirat 21 saatler önce

У мамикса на видео #реклама xD

Влад Майсуха 21 saatler önce

Dima Sokol 21 saatler önce

Пожалуйста пригласи своих подписчиков и пусть они пройдут эти аттракционы

Top Bravler 21 saatler önce

*Если любишь маму ставь лайк*

Можете оценить моё творчество

TheMaVeR103 21 saatler önce

одно из лучших за последнее время

Ранилия 21 saatler önce +1

Может на турнике одну руку обратным хватом цеплять, тогда прокручиваться меньше будет?

Илья Меилский 21 saatler önce +1

10:54,может кто-то знает название музыки на фоне? Плиз, мне она понравилась, а Шазам не поможет(((

Так вот как Макс зарабатывает.

NaMe JoKeR 21 saatler önce

Что я делаю тут час ночи завтра же мне школу🙄

На велосипеде нада наоборот руки поставить просто тянеш правую и на право едет

Poling Bee 21 saatler önce

Бревно тяжелее меня хд

VaDki_ is 21 saatler önce +1

Мамикс. ссылка на ноут не рабочая. возьми на заметку

LoMsiC TM 21 saatler önce +1

610 дизов это владельцы лохотронов🤣❤️

*Мамикс трудолюбивый ютубер. я считаю. что он заслуживает большего. чем Влад А4 !*

*Я тоже ютубер, поmогите набрatь 13 800 подпиcчиkov❤*

Piskas 34356 21 saatler önce

БОЖЕСТВЕННЫЙ ИГРОВОЙ ноутбук! И ключевое слово ноутбук. Меняешь удобство игры на возможность играть вне дома

NE GRAMM 21 saatler önce

Спасибо мамикс, теперь я стану банкротом

Дебил по имени Тимур 21 saatler önce +1

Оооо а давайте 2 часть ямы что бы выбираться в топ чтобы мамикс увидел

Даниил с большой буквы 21 saatler önce

33:51 адольф бы поставил лайк

Rina Hodneva 21 saatler önce +1

И тут до меня дошло. У вас же Леха паркурист. То есть у него есть чувство равновесия. Следовательно он мог на изи пройти пьяную лестницу

Ростислав Беркович 21 saatler önce

Я так обрадовался думал что дёшево а мать твою очень дорогой

ALMAR MARAT 21 saatler önce +9

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_:
1.Самый большой в мире бассейн находится в отеле Citystars Sharm El Sheik в Египте. Он занимает 30 акров земли (более 120 тыс. квадратных метров). За это его внесли в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса. На его наполнение уходит 21 день.
2.Первым круизным судном, которое могло похвастаться наличием бассейна, был трансатлантический лайнер Адриатик, построенный в 1907 году. На злополучном Титанике (1912) тоже был искусственный водоём.
3.Перенесёмся во времена римлян и Гая Цильния Мецената. Этот человек создал первый на планете подогреваемый бассейн в стиле джакузи (примерно 1 год до н. э.).
4.В то же время в городе Мохенджо-Даро в Пакистане можно найти самый старый искусственный водоём. Он был построен в третьем тысячелетии до нашей эры. Водоём сделан из плотно прилегающих друг к другу кирпичей и битума.
5.Вы наверняка считаете, что безбортные бассейны - относительно новое изобретение. Но это не так. В начале 1400-х годов в Версальском дворце построили бассейн Stag Fountain, который имеет похожую концепцию.
6.Боитесь высоты? Тогда вам лучше этого не видеть. На крыше отеля (57 этаж) Marina Bay Sands Resort в Сингапуре находится самый высокий безбортный бассейн на Земле.
7.Также именно в Египте вы сможете найти первые изображения плавания. Они есть на иероглифах, датируемых 2500 годом до нашей эры.

Fps battle royale

Как поднять FPS в Fortnite Battle royale

Недавно состоялся выпуск игры Fortnite Battle royale. Это проект, разработанный студией People Can Fly, которая работала совместно с Epic Games. Игра находится в стадии альфе теста, а потому у многие игроки заметили проблемы с оптимизацией и низким показателем FPS.

В первую очередь, нужно сравнить технические характеристики своего персонального компьютера с минимальными и рекомендованными системными требованиями. Возможно причина низкого FPS именно в этом и никакие настройки, а также “танцы с бубном” не помогут. Если же дело не в системных требованиях, значит будем разбираться с проблемой.

Картинка в Fortnite Battle royale тормозит и прослеживается низкий уровень FPS? Исправить это можно, изменив настройки графики. В первую очередь, нужно отключить сглаживание и дальность прорисовки игрового мира. Также можно уменьшить детализацию и качество графики. Много ресурсов ПК используют настройки пост-обработки. Их также можно отключить, повысив тем самым увеличив ФПС в Fortnite Battle royale. Качество изображения при этом практически не изменится.

В крайнем случае, все параметры можно установить на минимальные значения. Также можно экспериментировать с разрешением экрана. Чем оно ниже – тем лучше производительность.

Тонкая настройка параметров в NVIDIA Profile Inspector

Значительно повысить FPS в игре можно воспользоваться данным ПО, которое можно скачать по этой ссылке. Сначала нужно запустить приложения, воспользовавшись правами администратора. Из всех параметров в открывшемся окне следует выбрать пункт Driver Version. Возле названия используемого видеоадаптера расположена специальная иконка с настройками. Выбрав ее, можно попасть в Profile.

В этом окне нужно задать путь к интересующей игре, которую необходимо оптимизировать, в нашем случае это Fortnite Королевская битва. Важно, чтобы он быть абсолютным, включая расширение client. exe. В верхнем правом углу находится кнопка “Apply Changes”. С ее помощью можно сохранить все изменения, которые выполняет пользователь.

Нужно выбрать путь к этой игре, после чего сохранить все изменения. Нужно найти среди всего перечня пункт “Threaded optimization”. Тут находится сразу несколько режимов. Нужно кликнуть по “OGL THREAD CONTROL IGNORE GET ERROR”. В таблице, которая появится следом, нужно нажать на “Shim rendering mode Options per application Optimus”, и выбрать из списка “SHIM RENDERING OPTIONS DEFAULT RENDERING MODE”.

Выполнив каждое из вышеуказанных действий, необходимо открыть настройки Nvidia. Воспользовавшись специальной вкладкой «Параметры 3D», выбираем раздел «Управление». ПО для проведения настроек и оптимизации есть в этом списке. Здесь также следует найти игру, которая была настроена в Profile Nvidia Inspector.

Алгоритм действий касается не только Fortine, но и других игр. Выбрав приложение или добавив его в список, требуется снова вернуться в Profile. Нужно выбирать параметр SLI compatibility bits из списка на строчку с названием нашей игры. В Artialiasing Behavior Flags кликаем None, а в Memory Allocation Policy нажимаем на Aggressive pre allocation.

Общие советы по оптимизации

Если после проведения всех этих действий никаких нет никаких результатов, Battle royale все так же тормозит, а FPS остается на том же уровне или проседает, можно попробовать заново скачать игру или обновить драйвера для видеокарты. Часто, после этого количество кадров в секунду может значительно увеличиться. Необходимо установить последние версии DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, а также Microsoft Net framework.

Убедитесь в том, что ОС Windows не требует обновления. Эта процедура позволяет обновить большое количество библиотек, некоторые приложения, отдельные компоненты и т. д. Осуществить это вручную крайне трудно и не совсем удобно. Служба автоматического обновления сделает все это за пользователя.

Для увеличения частоты кадров, можно почистить систему с помощью специального программного обеспечения (например, CCleaner или ADWCleaner). Они просты в установке, настройке и управлении.

Также можно скачать и установить официальный патч. После обновления игры, можно избежать большей части проблем (включая низкий FPS).

Get better at fortnite

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How To Become A Smarter Fortnite Player! (How To Get Better At Fortnite)

This video today is going to be covering how to become a smarter Fortnite player. We're going to be breaking down a gameplay today that I think really highlights at multiple points, a lot of the little things that may not really stand out and be super flashy, but are so important to being successful in game. I'll always agree with the opinion that probably the easiest way to become a smarter fortnite player is to literally watch videos like this. If you watch a super fast builder yeah sure you may pick up some tips and techniques, but since building is mostly mechanical in nature, it really comes down to how much YOU practice. Same thing with aim, you can watch NickMercs or any other player with just incredible aim for 50 hours straight but that isn't gonna help YOU move YOUR thumb-sticks any more precisely. So that's why I just really enjoy doing videos like this, because I truly believe it will help you guys a lot. I hope you guys enjoy! #Fortnite #FortniteBattleRoyale #FortniteTips #HowToGetBetter #HowToWin #ConsoleFortnite #XboxFortnite #PS4Fortnite

My Social Media:
TWITCH: http://www. twitch. tv/gronky23
TWITTER: http://twitter. com/gronky_
FORTNITETRACKER: http://fortnitetracker. com/profile/xbox/Gronky12
BUSINESS EMAIL (Please only serious inquiries): [email protected]

My Fortnite Resume:
- 70+ total tournament golds from GB and CMG.
- $6000 total earnings with $5300 profit.
- #1 top earner on Gamebattles for the month of July with $2500 total earnings.
- Top 20 for kills on Xbox One Fortnite.
- Have held multiple console Fortnite world records in solos and duos.

Season 4 Stats:
19.90 Solos K/D (73.40 Win Percentage)
11.31 Duos K/D (7.38 Kills Per Match)
10.22 Squads K/D (7.42 Kills Per Match)

Career High Kill Games:
Solos - 29
Duos - 32
Squads - 29
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Channel: GronKy

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Home » Action » Fortnite Download Free game for pc

Fortnite Download Free game for pc

Do you enjoy Battle Royale games and you wish to have access to all the options without worrying about restrictions imposed by the lack of premium currency? Well, this is a great opportunity for you because we publish Fortnite download. This is one and only chance that we, the creators of installing devices from here, provide to all our fans. However, we know how hard it is to get Fortnite premium currency without spending your precious cash on them. That is why we encourage you to keep your pocket money in the pocket and make use of our private installing device presented at Fortnite mirrors! There, you will see on your own eyes what it feels like to be a player with access to any and all options provided by the creators of Fortnite!

Fortnite Game

Fortnite free have a look at the installer!

There are hundreds of places that offer you access to Fortnite, the base of the game and not its free to play addition. However, these places are usually filled with not working applications, viruses, and other issues you don’t want to think about. Because of that, we decided to create an application that will, as you can guess, give you a completely unlocked, fully available, with all options and functions game. Fortnite are placed in special, private servers. Therefore, the only editable access has got one source – we. It means that you don’t have to worry about hackers and bots to introduce some malicious software to our tool. In conclusion, is very simple, clear, and user-friendly application without any unnecessary buttons or additions. The whole process of installing the game is transparent and you can enjoy Fortnite free within several minutes!

We also wanted to point out that the installing device we are today offering to you all is highly compatible! What does it mean? It basically means that no matter what operating system you have, it will work! What’s more, the optimization of our Fortnite installing device guarantees you the same hardware requirements as in case of original game. We do not heighten them and don’t make the title less smooth. It means that there will be no FPS drops or other issues. No errors, no bugs, no crashes, no blue screens, no troubles whatsoever! So, use Fortnite free pc right now and have fun while others spend their hard earned money on the game and other additions the authors offered. Fortnite is one in its kind and this is something we can promise!

What is going on in the game?

Fortnite is the production issued by Epic Games – the studio that has on its account such titles as Gears of Wars cycle of games and Unreal. What’s more, they are also the authors of very popular and likeable Unreal engine that is quite often used in many other games. The premiere of the game had its place in 2017 and from the very beginning it gained the fans all over the whole world. It is because we can see here the mix of our most favorite, beloved genres. It includes survival, zombie, cooperation, and open world with crafting aspects! Sounds fun? Wait till you hear about the storyline and gameplay mechanics!

Obviously, you don’t have to read all of this if you know the game. You can always use Fortnite free that we offer and enjoy the game much faster, by skipping the article! As the storyline is concerned, we receive here quite interesting plot. In Fortnite, we will take the role of the member of a unit that has to protect the world from evil demons that resemble zombies. Contrary to appearances, these demons do not come from beneath, but from above. It means that the clouds we can see in the world are filled with these creatures. Our goal is to defend gates that are the bridge between the world of mortals and zombie demons. Get Fortnite links to try out this production right away!

Mechanics and technical issues

If we were to describe gameplay, one can notice rather arcade steering. It doesn’t change the fact; however, that we need to plan each and every move we do in order to protect ourselves from evil and bloodthirsty creatures. The thing that distinguishes this production from others is the fact that in here we receive a fortification that, as you can guess, can be developed. These fortifications are quite crucial help when it comes to repelling the attack of hordes of demons. In order to build up the fortifications, we are going to need three resources – wood, metal and stone.

That is why in order to progress in the game, we have to explore a lot – scavenge the goodies, and one we find them, develop the fortress that will be the last stand against evil. In the game we can also find character classes. These classes provide us with different unique skills and specializations. In other words, we can, for example, become a constructor, a ninja, or commando. They all vary in the play style and, of course, the role they play in each match. If you wish to become the greatest player of them all, use Fortnite free access to the game that we are today delivering thanks to Fortnite. After that, you will see on your own eyes that this production is truly entertaining!

Fortnite free – don’t wait any longer and play it!

A lot of people think that it is impossible to get Fortnite without purchasing the game. Fortnite game indicate completely opposite! It is possible and what’s more, it is incredibly fast, efficient, and certainly very easy! Get the game in practically several minutes and enjoy it together with your friends! Have fun while playing Fortnite free from viruses, infected files, advertisements and other third-party programs! This is your chance, don’t ruin it!

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Demikianlah beragam Wallpaper Hd Gif Pubg yang dapat Anda pakai tepat dengan kegemaran Anda. Update terus berbagai postingan website ini, sebab kami tentu mengulas kumpulan gambar handphone yang menarik lainnya untuk sobat.
Baca Juga. Wallpaper Hd Gif Pubg

Wallpaper Hd Gif Pubg

Demikian artikel yang dapat kami sampaikan serta kita mengucapkan banyak terimakasih sudah berkunjung di blog kita. Buat memperoleh informasi terbaru, kamu dapat simak Wallpaper Hd Gif Pubg. Ok, itulah sekian bermacam ulasan gambar koleksi tema handphone yang dapat kami posting. Diharap blog ini bermanfaat serta bisa jadi referensi. Sekian terimakasih.

Buying fortnite accounts on ebay


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Смотреть видео - So I tried buying a Rare Fortnite account for $6000 on Ebay.

  • Добавлено. 15.08.2018

  • Автор online ролика: Latenci - Fortnite

  • Продолжительность видеоролика: 10:23

  • Посмотрели онлайн в hd 720: 866232

  • Бесплатно скачали: 10823

  • Закачал на YouTube - Latenci - Fortnite в раздел: компьютерные игры

  • Воспроизведение на телевизорах с системой Smart TV: Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Sony и др.

  • Просмотр на телефонах и планшетах: Андроид (Android), Айфон (iPhone), Windows Phone

So I tried buying a Rare Fortnite account off Ebay..
I do not promote account selling! Just doing this for entertainment purposes. Please DON’T buy accounts
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Thanks for watching :)

Посмотреть онлайн So I tried buying a Rare Fortnite account for $6000 on Ebay. абсолютно бесплатно и в хорошем качестве

  • Скачать видео - So I tried buying a Rare Fortnite account for $6000 on Ebay. на компьютер или телефон можно в нескольких форматах: mp4, avi, webm, flv, 3gp, wmv

    Рекомендуем посмотреть похожие смешные видео - So I tried buying a Rare Fortnite account for $6000 on Ebay.

    So I donated to this Twitch Streamer to buy EVERY SKIN in the Item Shop..
    So I donated to this Twitch Streamer to buy EVERY SKIN in the Item Shop. 👍 Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed & subscribe if your new! 🛎️ Turn on Notifications to be notified when I upload! (7PM EST) ACCOUNT GIVEAWAY 🡆 Girl in video: (show her some love!) 🡆 Kazlic: (video idea) Join my discord & talk to me! 🡆 👀 FOLLOW ME…

    We SCAMMED a FORTNITE SCAMMER for his SKULL TROOPER Fortnite account! This video will show you guys that you should never EVER trust people selling Fortnite accounts for the low. The Epic Games account had skins such as the Renegade Raider, Ghoul Trooper, Ginger Gunner and Skull Trooper. Loaded with emotes and gliders as well. sub to me guyz,…

    Killing Squads using INVISIBILITY Glitch in Playground Fills. (rage lol)
    Killing Squads using INVISIBILITY Glitch in Playground Fills. (rage lol) 👍 Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed & subscribe if your new! 🔔 Turn on Notifications to be notified when I upload! (9PM EST) 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! 🡆 Instagram - 🡆 Twitter - Thanks for watching…

    I paid Fortnite "Pros" on Fiverr to get me a win
    PART 2 HERE: I paid Fortnite "Pros" on Fiverr to get me a win Subscribe here for more FORTNITE videos: 📲FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ELSE! Twitter: Instagram: Let me know what you thought about the video in the comments…

    I FACETIMED Kids after I killed them in Fortnite. (SALTY lol)
    I FACETIMED Kids after I killed them in Fortnite. (SALTY lol) 👍 Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed & subscribe if your new! 🔔 Turn on Notifications to be notified when I upload! (9PM EST) 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! 🡆 Instagram - 🡆 Twitter - Thanks for watching…

    Biggest Tar Tip Scam TRAP! 😱 (Scammer Gets Scammed) Fortnite Save The World
    Biggest Tar Tip Scam TRAP! 😱 (Scammer Gets Scammed) Fortnite Save The World I hope you enjoyed this video, if so please hit that like button and don't forget to comment, the support means everything and it makes me want to upload. If you're new then SUBSCRIBE for more! Thank you for watching :D THANKS A LOT FOR 700,000 Subscribers! I look…


  • Fortnite save the world buy

    How to Buy Fortnite Save the World with Xbox Gift Card - Should I Buy Save the World or V Bucks?

    How to Buy Fortnite Save the World with Xbox Gift Card - Should I Buy Save the World or V Bucks?

    Показать панель управления

    • Опубликовано: 4 июл 2018

    • $25 Xbox Gift Card: amzn. to/2HS4eYz
      $50 Xbox Gift Card: amzn. to/2KhgmAO
      $100 Xbox Gift Card: amzn. to/2I0weaa
      So pretty much everyone plays Fortnite Battle Royale but when you’re ready for something different, you should try out Save the World! And it this video I’ll show you how to get Fortnite Save the World using an Xbox Gift Card. You can use a physical gift card or buy one online like I'll show you in this video. When I need a gift card instantly, I got to Xbox. com. They sell Xbox and Windows Gift Cards there and they’re both interchangeable because they’re basically the same card. I can choose any amount on my gift card even if it’s as little as a dollar. Often I’ll buy a $1 or $2 card to cover the added tax if I don’t have enough for my purchase.
      The best part is that I’ll have my gift card code instantly without having to drive to a store. Save the World is actually the Founder’s Pack and there are two versions. I’m buying the Standard Pack for $39.99.
      Fortnite Save the World is a really good option to have if you want to battle AI enemies instead of other online players. And there’s rumor that Save the World might become free but as of now there’s no confirmation of when that will happen. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and stay connected with my weekly videos by hitting the subscribe button!
      ****Equipment I Use For My Videos****
      Canon EOS M6: go. magik. ly/ml/his4/
      Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 Lens: go. magik. ly/ml/his5/
      Tokina 11-16mm Wide Angle Lens: go. magik. ly/ml/hhn5/
      Fotodiox EF to EOS M Lens Adapter: go. magik. ly/ml/his9/
      Comica CVM-WM300A Wireless Microphones: go. magik. ly/ml/hisf/
      Aputure Amaran AL528W LED Light: go. magik. ly/ml/hisj/
      Kamerar SD-1 Camera Slider: go. magik. ly/ml/hisp/
      Manfrotto Aluminum Tripod: go. magik. ly/ml/hisw/
      AVermedia Game Capture Module: go. magik. ly/ml/hitj/

    • Хобби

    Комментарии • 85

    Hi man, nice video. I'd like to buy save the world on xbox with a 20$ gift card because now it costs 20$, but i don't know how much money are the taxes. So if I redeem a 2$ gift card using points on Microsoft rewards, will it cover the cost of the taxes and let me buy save the world? Thanks

    The tax rate varies in different regions. It can be as high as 11% in some areas. If it's 11% then the tax is $2.20. So maybe a $3 additional gift card would be safer. Not sure if you have enough Rewards for that.

    Circuit breaker fortnite

    How to Draw Fortnite | Sushi Skin | Super Art Challenge

    How to Draw Fortnite | Sushi Skin | Super Art Challenge

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    • Опубликовано: 1 дек 2018

    • Hey everyone! In this week's Art Challenge I'll be creating a new Fortnite skin in the theme of sushi. Send me your Art Challenge ideas in the comments below.
      Visit my Official Merch Store:
      teespring. com/stores/official-merch-store-2
      Grab your paper, ink, pens or pencils and lets get started! I have a large selection of educational online classes for you to enjoy so please subscribe.
      flash-player. net/user/cartooning4kids

    New art tutorials posted every Monday to Friday so be sure to SUBSCRIBE and click that bell icon to get notifications.
    LIKE and SHARE this video and please check out more of our easy art tutorials so you can learn how to get better at drawing. We have one of the largest drawing courses on the internet and we post them 5 days a week for beginners and young aspiring artists. We have over a thousand easy to draw cartoon characters in our massive Playlist library.
    We post lessons from kids cartoons like Pokemon, Cartoon Network characters, Disney cartoons, Disney and Pixar movies, Marvel comics, Transformers, PBS Kids, and a many other popular kids movies. We are one of the fastest growing e learning art websites on the internet.
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    Learn How to Draw Dragon Ball Z Characters
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    Learn How to Draw FNaF Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Teen Titans GO! Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Clash of Clans Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Minecraft Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Star Wars Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Undertale Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Wrestling Superstars
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    Learn How to Draw Popular Flash-Playerrs
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    Learn How to Draw Adventure Time Characters
    View this Playlist - goo. gl/HX3iUN
    Learn How to Draw Gravity Falls Characters
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    Learn How to Draw Shopkins Characters
    View this Playlist - goo. gl/64QLIN
    Learn How to Draw for Beginners Art Lessons
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    Learn How to Draw for Christmas Characters
    View this Playlist - goo. gl/pThR4q
    We also have a library of Edible Art tutorials in our Epic Baking Playlist - goo. gl/vWi7VQ
    Visit our Fun Stuff Playlist to see some of our animated shorts. We add new ones once in a while.
    Visit the Fun Stuff Playlist - goo. gl/yHdziC
    Share your amazing drawing with us for a chance to be featured in our monthly Artist Spotlight. Email directly to: Cartooning4kids@gmail. com or you can share on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
    If you enjoyed this art tutorial then please LIKE and SHARE it with all your friends. Your support really makes a difference and allows us to continue creating easy drawing tutorials each day. If you have a request you can add it in the comments below and we'll do our best to add it to our incredibly HUGE list.
    Visit the Official Cartooning 4 Kids Website at:
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    Want to learn how to get better at drawing? The Subscribe today. Our online drawing lessons are 100% FREE. flash-player. net/user/cartooning4kids
    Cartooning 4 Kids is an online drawing school dedicated to providing FREE art tutorials to aspiring young artists and classroom projects for teachers. Our step by step drawing tutorials guide viewers through each and every line from start to finish.
    Thanks for watching everyone.
  • Хобби

  • Комментарии • 207

    Flavoredcat 666 7 месяцев назад

    This should be a skin

    Fără nume că se fură 7 месяцев назад

    That s a good idea! Keep it up !

    FULANO AMIGO 8 месяцев назад

    Mehmet Ali Sönmez 8 месяцев назад

    Eren TV Yildirimoglu 8 месяцев назад

    Eren TV Yildirimoglu 8 месяцев назад

    Can you draw some more

    João Paulo Soarez 8 месяцев назад

    Do Criket Green from Big city Greens

    João Paulo Soarez 8 месяцев назад

    Draw Mini Max Chibi from big Hero 6 PLEASE🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    ONE Player 9 месяцев назад

    Silent_ Specialist 9 месяцев назад

    You should draw the new snow man skin in fortnite

    tristan thomas 9 месяцев назад

    draw sans and paps also tom and edd from edds world and sans and paps is from under tale

    Steve Arnot 9 месяцев назад

    Can you draw buzz

    Everton Alexandre 9 месяцев назад

    HELL BEASTS 9 месяцев назад

    draw a pubg character.

    Broke Out 9 месяцев назад

    Broke Out 9 месяцев назад

    It is not on fortnight

    Charles Newman 9 месяцев назад

    rey azada 9 месяцев назад +1

    Brooke McIntosh 9 месяцев назад

    sorry that was my little brother:0

    Brooke McIntosh 9 месяцев назад

    I hate you I watch cool kids art search it up >:(

    Bilal Cavernous 3112 9 месяцев назад +1

    Face reveal pls👌

    Orion Leathem 9 месяцев назад

    please draw max dire

    3boudi Drawing 9 месяцев назад

    Toxic Viper 9 месяцев назад

    How do u draw so perfect

    Damiks Polak 9 месяцев назад

    How to draw dragesang oline

    Chainkanwar Shekhawat 9 месяцев назад

    Draw the golden skin from pubg please with gun

    guria singh 9 месяцев назад

    please draw ninja player from fortnite

    It’s funny how this is not a skin

    Slow the f*ck down

    Intelligent CJJK 9 месяцев назад

    Draw a Forza Horzion Car Maybe Bugatti

    Daniela Rodas 9 месяцев назад

    360 Studioz! 9 месяцев назад

    I would definitely buy this skin

    Cvrlqs YT 9 месяцев назад

    Can u plzzz draw more anime

    Fatma Ortac 9 месяцев назад

    Draw raptor 2.0 snow version subscribed liked every vid

    LUCAS AZEVEDO 9 месяцев назад

    draw brite bomber fortnite

    I just bought your Thanos and Gamora Tee today one of the happiest days of my life :P

    Thor Odinson 9 месяцев назад

    Can you plz draw the following:
    Teenage Groot
    Fully grown Groot
    Thor in infinity war with stormbreaker
    Nick Fury
    Not cartoon Hawkeye, but Hawkeye from the movies.
    Really Sorry, I just need to finish of my infinity war collection.

    Fortnite price

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    Компания Mozilla представила две новые функции, предложенные в рамках инициативы Test Pilot, которая предоставляет пользователям возможность оценить и протестировать экспериментальные функции, развиваемые для будущих выпусков Firefox. Для участия в программе необходимо установить специальное дополнение Test Pilot (учетная запись в системе Firefox Account при этом не обязательна), в котором будет доступен список предлагаемых для тестирования возможностей. В процессе работы Test Pilot осуществляется сбор и отправка обезличенной статистики о характере работы с тестируемыми дополнениями.

    Компания Google представила инициативу по добавлению в браузер Chrome программных интерфейсов, позволяющих создавать web-приложения, близкие по своим возможностям к обычным самодостаточным пользовательским программам. Указанные API дадут возможность использовать браузер в качестве напоминающей Cordova или Electron платформы для разработки программ, предоставляющей доступ к расширенным возможностям операционной системы и оборудования.

    Опубликован релиз пакета wayland-protocols 1.17, содержащего набор протоколов и расширений, дополняющих возможности базового протокола Wayland и предоставляющих возможности, необходимые для построения композитных серверов и пользовательских окружений.

    Сформированы новые загрузочные сборки дистрибутива Void Linux. который является самостоятельным проектом, не использующим наработки других дистрибутивов и разрабатываемый с применением непрерывного цикла обновления версий программ (rolling-обновления, без отдельных релизов дистрибутива).

    После шести месяцев разработки сформирован релиз пользовательского окружения Cinnamon 4.0, в рамках которого сообществом разработчиков дистрибутива Linux Mint развивается форк оболочки GNOME Shell, файлового менеджера Nautilus и оконного менеджера Mutter, нацеленный на предоставление окружения в классическом стиле GNOME 2 c поддержкой удачных элементов взаимодействия из GNOME Shell. Cinnamon основывается на компонентах GNOME, но эти компоненты поставляются как периодически синхронизируемый форк, не связанный внешними зависимостями с GNOME.

    Youtube fortnite ninja

    Ninja Fortnite Settings & Keybinds

    Tyler Blevins, known as Ninja, born on June 5, 1991, is an American streamer and youtube player. In May 2018, he is the most popular streamer on Twitch with more than 9 million followers and an average of more than 100,000 spectators per stream. Note: we also provide Ninja Apex Settings .

    Ninja Mouse:




    Ninja Fortnite Settings

    Resolution. 1920×1080
    View Distance: Epic
    Post Processing:
    Motion Blur:
    Show FPS:

    Ninja Fortnite Sensitivity

    Ninja Fortnite KeyBinds / Binds

    Ninja Building Binds

    Building Wall: Thumb Mouse button 4
    Building Floor:
    Building Stairs:
    Thumb mouse button 5
    Building Roof:
    Left Shift
    Trap Slot:

    About Ninja

    Tyler started playing Halo 3 professionally in 2009. He has played for various teams including Cloud9, Renegades, Team Liquid2, and Luminosity Gaming3. He is currently a streamer.

    Tyler became a streamer in 2011 first with Justin. tv, then moved to Twitch. He started playing H1Z1 at the beginning of his early access program with Steam, then PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) when he also accessed Steam’s Early Access program. He joined Luminosity Gaming in 2017 first as a Halo player, then as an H1Z1 player, then as a PUBG player where he won the PUBG Gamescom Invitational in the 3rd Person Squad ranking. It began to broadcast Fortnite regularly and its audience began to grow, coinciding with the game’s growing popularity2. By September 2017, there were 500,000 subscribers, and six months later, this number had increased by 250%4. In March 2018, Tyler set the Twitch. tv record for a single individual stream by playing Fortnite after he organized games with Drake, Travis Scott and Juju Smith-Schuster5. Then in April 2018, he broke his own viewing record at his Ninja Vegas 2018 event where he reached an audience of 667,000 live viewers6. In June 2018, he won the pro-am tournament at E3.

    Tyler has more than 15 million YouTube subscribers as of June 2018. He earns more than $500,000 a month through Fortnite’s streaming and has credited the free-to-play business model as a growth factor7.

    In a fundraising stream for an association held in February 2018, Blevins raised more than $110,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention8. At the first Fortnite Battle Royale Esports event in April 2018, he donated nearly $50,000 in prizes, including $2,500 to the Alzheimer Society9. Later in April, Ninja participated in the # Clips4Kids event with other Dr. Lupo and Timthetatman streamers, and in total, he helped raise over $340,00010.

    His family was featured in several episodes of the TV show Family Feud in 2015.

    3 thoughts on “ Ninja fortnite settings ”

    Flytrap fortnite

    Flytrap (Fortnite Battle Royale) - Polymer Clay Tutorial

    Flytrap (Fortnite Battle Royale) - Polymer Clay Tutorial

    • Am 15 Jun 2018 veröffentlicht

    • Putting a STRONG MAGNET into FLOATING ISLAND to make it FLY Fortnite Battle Royale - Polymer Clay
      declips. net/video/4Qy7AU2u90E/video. html --

    Today we will create the new legendary skin Flytrap from Fortnite! As I first thought this guy is supposed to be some kind of devil skin, I did not like him. But after a while (and after I realised that he really looks like a Flytrap) I liked this skin a lot. D
    Join me in todays polymer clay tutorial, I will show you step by step how to get your own legendary skin from Fortnite, as a action figure. Also in this video I announce the winner of yesterdays giveaway.
    Shopping Cart ▸ declips. net/video/H2y1O7hMGZ8/video. html
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  • Unterhaltung

  • KOMMENTARE • 4 422

    The Boys Tabp Vor 2 Monate

    I haft to I'm a 11 year old twin

    Ethan Hebert Vor 3 Monate

    Kinda look like vision from marvel movies

    Lejla Moranjkic Vor 3 Monate +1

    Manisha Kapadi Vor 4 Monate

    Make avengers with clay

    Milo Bedford Vor 4 Monate

    dude congrats on the new baby

    Dogo The doge Vor 4 Monate

    You make the best Fortnite skins I’ve ever seen!

    FaZe hollow Vor 4 Monate

    Happy late birthday to your. Son
    Can u do the upgraded loot lake

    Trent Spaller Vor 5 Monate +2

    Plez Make Legend of Zelda stuff

    Jackie Koll Vor 5 Monate

    Me and my brother were born on the same day but different months

    CraZe Frosty Vor 5 Monate

    Emily Nieport Vor 6 Monate

    Vincentius Nihan Hastungkaraningtyas Vor 6 Monate

    Can you make gingerbread in fortnite?

    Tamika Ritson Vor 6 Monate

    Amazing design ClayClaim

    Kiki games cz Vor 7 Monate +1

    Flytrap is teribble skin but this tutorial is great!

    Gavin Whitman Vor 7 Monate +1

    Can you make a video of all of your clay figures together and showcase them. I would like that. 😁😁😁

    i love you videos

    Daniela Mena Vor 7 Monate

    Dwi Cahyo Nugroho Vor 7 Monate

    I like all your tutorial. very amazing. do you mind if I make on my own using your tutorial?
    Btw, I like lucky lucke. can you make a tutorial for it?

    Alex Casarrubias Vor 8 Monate

    Make salty springs

    where do you get the paper from so you know the outline?

    noob master 159 Vor 8 Monate +1

    Alejandro Hoffmann Horta Vor 8 Monate +1

    Dude you made it look so cool. Good job, keep it up!

    Lopez Of The Central Coast Vor 8 Monate

    Who wants to make these but can't because they don't have clay and they have no money and they don't have a job and their parents won't give them money so now you have to wait until your birthday or Christmas to get money from your grandma then you buy clay but you rage while making this and go buy something else.

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    Gta 5 battle royale

    GTA 5 Battle Royale Mod Makes it Into a Different Game

    This GTA 5Battle Royale mode, modded by user Theaetik. transforms the game GTA fans all know and love into a completely different one. The mod is so well done that if we didn’t know any different, we would say that Rockstar was jumping on the Battle Royale bus in the hope to get some more bucks in their already overwhelming pockets.

    Complex Control, as described by Theaetik, merges battle royale and roguelite mechanics to create something with “high replayability and variety” that’ll leave players coming back for more. What Theaetik is looking for is something that will give players something that “feels as though there’s always something new to experience every run.”

    We took a quick peek at the four gameplay videos, as well as the official trailer (which you can see below) and we think that ‘something new to experience every run’ may be an overwhelming understatement on Theaetik’s part. The Complex Control mod boasts a number of different features. This includes 50 “unique and balanced” abilities with cooldowns such as blinking/teleporting, particularly helpful when getting out of your vehicle, and slow-motion gameplay. You’ll also have 70 characters to choose from as you fight to survive fast-firing warzones, populated with dropping and driving AI enemies.

    What’s more, Theaetik is quick to add that Complex Control has a save system that is completely separate from the main GTA 5 game. They also state that the new elements included in the mode, such as “procedural gameplay, permadeath, permanent progression”, are what makes it stand out against all the other Battle Royale games out there.

    There are, of course, more features that haven’t been mentioned. As stated on the official page for Complex Control, these are just some the things included in the mode:

    • Rogue-lite Characters – Choose from pre-made character sets with random Abilities / Weapons / Vehicles / Names

    • Royal Avatar – Progress on your own character until they die or trade them for cheaper and with score return

    • Ranking – 4 ranks to dynamically change gameplay the better or worst you succeed

    • Leveling – Leveling brackets reflected by total career score gained

    • Stats – Statistics page to help you keep a track on progress or performance

    • Color Map Spawn – No spawn is fixated, areas of the map are marked for spawn

    To see more about Complex Control, have a look at the official trailer below.

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    Fortnite number

    Angry Fortnite Players Keep Calling the Wrong Epic Games

    Fortnite - mania is currently taking over the world, with the battle royale version of the game undoubtedly the biggest in recent memory. With that in mind, it stands to reason that while tons of people are playing the game, a lot of them are having problems as well. While most people are calling up Epic Games about their issues, some people are calling up a shop in Ohio that has an unfortunately similar name to the developers of Fortnite .

    Epic Loot Games, a hobby shop located in Ohio, has been given a ton of unwanted attention ever since Fortnite exploded into a cultural phenomenon. Hunter Davies, the assistant manager of the store, has taken his fair share of calls from disgruntled gamers that think their tiny Ohio store is actually the makers of Epic Games.

    “There are so many calls—pranks, angry gamers, kids who don’t understand why the support doesn’t have a readily available method of contact,” said Davies (via Kotaku ). “We started telling them to use the website because they can’t actually talk to anyone on the phone.” Of course, that hasn’t stopped some players from calling in any way, usually to leave some…less than nice messages. “A kid between nine and 16 screamed expletives at me,” Davies told me. “‘Fix your fucking game, fix your servers. ’ Then he just hung up on me.”

    Mess ups like these will, unfortunately, happen when your store is named so similarly to Epic Games, but the moral is simple: if you happen to call up Epic Loot Games by accident, be nice, and don’t scream at them about servers. You can check out the full story (with more quotes) over at Kotaku, and check out below for a breakdown of the latest Fortnite update :


    • Increased the likelihood of the final circle ending near the outer areas of the map by 25%.

      • Improve the variety of ending scenarios to outside the central region of the map.

    • Fixed an issue that allowed Sprays to camouflage Remote Explosives, Clingers, and Damage Traps.

    • Fixed building preview not being rotatable when overlapping an existing building while using a controller.

    • Fixed soccer game effects not playing when scoring ⚽.

    • Fixed a couple of issues that caused the player camera to position itself under the water in Loot Lake.

    • Fixed the collision on the tire stacks so players will bounce when walking into them again.

    • Fixed a hole in Dusty Divot that players could get stuck in.

    • Fixed an area where players were able to hide under the terrain and damage players from below.

    • Fixed an issue that caused Turbo Building to not work properly if the player was holding down the build button before switching to build mode.

    • Fixed a chest at the prison that would be empty upon opening it.


    • You can now join the party of players that are already in a match.

      • Party members in-match will appear holographic in the lobby and will give you time and player count updates.

    • Season 4 topics added to the in-game Battle Pass FAQ.

    • Removed the loading screen that was displayed when transitioning from the starting island to the Battle Bus.

    • Fixed the minimap briefly showing the wrong location after being eliminated.

    • Fixed an issue that caused some icons on the UI to misalign after switching in and out of build mode.


    • Lowered the volume of Hop Rocks

    Fortnite is available now.

    Games like fortnite

    5 Best Battle Royale Games like Fortnite

    Last updated on May 14, 2018 by Ryan Victoria

    There are many video games that are becoming popular nowadays and the genre that is becoming a hit right now are battle royale games just like Fortnite Battle Royale. Many players prefer this game due to its appealing graphic designs and additional gimmicks that can be found in this game. However, there are still some users who want to try other games like Fortnite for PC. Some are not satisfied with the art style that the game has, while some players think that it’s just a ripped off copy of other battle royale games. For whatever reason that you want to switch from Fortnite into other games in the same genre, here are the top 5 alternatives that you can check.

    Best Battle Royale Games like Fortnite for PC

    PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)

    If you are looking for a Fortnite game substitute, then PUBG must be included in the list. This game is one of the pioneering games in a battle royale format, which is a survival type of game. Many gamers that used to play this game said that some of its content is copied by Fortnite. So, you can expect to see some similarities in some aspects of this game to that of Fortnite. So far, there are around half a million concurrent gamers that are into this game. Moreover, what makes this game stand out among the rest is its good-looking graphic designs and responsive controls which brings a real battleground feel. Due to an increasing demand, PUBG recently releases its mobile version, and now battle royale fanatics can play both on PC and smartphone.

    H1Z1: King of the kill

    Another game that fits into the list of games similar to Fortnite is H1Z1 or the King of the kill. This game is also created under the influence of the battle royale kind of structure. If you prefer an intense yet lighter battle royale game, then this one might be the one that you are looking for. Since it is a lighter game, expect fewer weapons, no attachments, and all players will be dropped on a certain spot. The art style of H1Z1 is decent enough; however, the controls of this game are more identical to an arcade shooter perspective rather than the military influence that other games have. The aim is not that accurate, and it will take some time to master the angles to hit an opponent. So, if you need a light and fast-paced battle royale game, then H1Z1 is worth trying.

    Last Man Standing

    If you want to play battle royale without spending a buck, then this game will suit your preference. Considered as one of the best survival games. this game is a free alternative to Fortnite that offers a fair graphic design and other in-game features. Created based on a battle royale structure, Last Man Standing lets 100 players from various locations spawn on a location and start to get rid of each other as soon as they land their feet on the ground. As the title of the game reflects, the last player left standing will be proclaimed the winner. When it comes to targeting opponents, the gunplay in LMS is not that polished, making it difficult to shoot another gamer. Another thing that is missing in this game is the availability of vehicles. But overall, it is a nice substitute to Fortnite considering you can play it anytime for free.

    Paladins: Battlegrounds

    The next on our list of games like Fortnite is Paladins: Battlegrounds. If you like to play a battle royale but are bored with how your characters look, then try Paladins. In this game, characters look and dress like ancient warriors with some magical content. The weapons in this game are mixed with advanced laser guns and some weapons with some sorcery thing. And in Paladins, there are no vehicles; instead, they are replaced with horses to add in that medieval feel. The rest looks and works like other battle royale games are played.

    The Culling

    The last battle royale game on our list that resembles Fortnite is The Culling. This is a first-person shooter game, where the main goal is to survive and kill all your opponents until you’re the only one left. While playing, gamers compete for points and gather all the weapons and equipment that they can use to survive the game. Unlike other battle royale games, The Culling provides a deep selection of equipment that players can collect. Plus, environmental hazards are incorporated into it, adding more thrill into one’s gameplay. Moreover, if you want your character to increase his/her combat skills, then you need to start piling up those points to help you upgrade fast. It’s a nice Fortnite alternative to have if you have extra money to spare, for this game will cost you around 50 dollars for its full version.


    Those are the top 5 battle royale games like Fortnite. All these games are based on a battle royale structure. The things that differ from each other includes the graphic appearance, the weapons used and how to aim opponents, and the availability of vehicles. Some other features are embedded with each game which you can appreciate as you play them one by one.

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    пятница, 13 сентября 2019 г.

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    Fortnite meta - /v/ - Video Games - Archive - 4chan

    Mar 11, - Games that involve spatial memory activate parts of the brain involved in spatial memory. She found that the addicted players, regardless of gender, were more A meta-analysis of pathological gaming prevalence and comorbidity with. Im assuming they're probably playing Fortnite primarily so i'll use.

    Players congratulated themselves on the victory, and swore no one would ever be so stupid again. Many more people were so stupid. Five years after Oblivion 's failure, Gears Of War 3 launched fortnite meta more ridiculous frills than Ric Flair's entrance robe.

    Gears players were asked to buy dozens of "weapon skins," which would be awesome if the weapon gortnite question was a Terminator and the wrapping was human flesh in the shape of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Instead, players who purchased the DLC got a paint job for their gun. The complete set is offered at a bargain fortnite meta, points.

    This went beyond being just useless, since you were paying money to paint your weapon a bright color in an environment where anything that isn't dirt brown gets seen and shot immediately. To confirm that they hated the people they were scamming, many of the skins are "cute flowers" and "animated rainbows," though maker Epic Games managed to hold themselves back fortnite meta releasing "Our Sweaty Balls" drawn on the fortnite meta of the Lancer.

    Every cent of which goes toward replacing the silk underwear EA ruined fortnite meta excitement when they realized they could metq for power-ups. Increasing weapon speed is just changing a variable. That's not even a single line of code, and they're charging over two dollars. By this math, the whole game should cost Saudi Arabia. There are no refunds for this item.

    Wishful thinking fortnite meta even faster weapons -- it's some faster weapons. If you buy both, EA just starts charging your account at random because you frtnite don't even understand money.

    Origins has an incredibly immersive story Several hours into the game, you make camp and go around talking to every single character. If you aren't familiar with this stage, you probably fortnite meta an RPG is a rocket-powered grenade launcher.

    As you chat everyone up, you meet murkwater construction site man who tells you of the forsaken "Warden's Keep," and you think "Woo-hoo! Anyone who makes it through the several pages of conversation has likely been moved by his impassioned pleas, and is ready sea of thieves interactive map say, "Yes, desperate stranger, I fortnite meta aid you in this valiant quest!

    They only tell you it's DLC after you've already decided to play. Fortnite meta not in a shop or a marketplace menu, it's embedded in the game world. Even if its only loosely fortnite meta to the content fortnite meta the fortnite meta video.

    I love how all the shitty cod youtubers with their clickbait bullshittery are now infesting the fortnite community. The gaming section used to be dominated by atrocious 12yo Mincraft clickbait videos forttnite millions fortnite meta views. I guess they've moved on to Fortnite now. YouTube is so shit at curating content it's fortnite meta. I swear it's the same it was 10 fucking forgnite ago. Compared to the others Overwatch final fantasy tonberry as bad.

    Ive watched plenty of related videos from streamers and top players on how to improve but you definitely still had it a little bit with Muselk and OhNickle or however he spells his name since there's fortmite so many things to do intentionally in the game that will bring in the views from fortnite meta youngsters who don't fortnite meta why it's a garbage video.

    I saw my 4 year old nephew play it and get a couple of kills. Those poor souls are fortnite meta off not knowing they was killed by monster hunter world best bow 4 year old. Got filled into a duos match with fottnite kid who I guarantee was no older than 7, and he ended up carrying me and winning us the match.

    Some of the kids I hear come onto voice comms sound fortnite meta they're between and oftentimes uncensor girls the halloween sex scene out of the group.

    To your point, I'd rather not know myself lol. Well nobody gives a fortnite meta about cod anymore, and battle royal is the new fad so all of the fkrtnite and gta youtubers and streamers have fortnite meta migrated to it. The 2nd best chrome extension. I don't know what I watched to warrant getting "instant regret clicking on this playlist memes " reccomended on every video, all I know is that I want it fortnjte fuck off.

    Holy shit, I'm not the only one getting that garbage? Why the hell doesn't youtube fortnite meta me to block it? I can watch 5 pure hours of BotW fortnite meta still get fortnite video recommendations. I fucking hate YouTube. Do you not know about incognito browsing?

    It's all about that ad revenue. I'd imagine it's easy for youtube to make money off of plain and inoffensive content like this. Youtube can't distinguish between minecraft and furry porn, as fortnite meta as the transition between content is smooth enough. Hey guys it's fortnite meta, back for another Episode of Minecraft. In this episode, we're going to try to adopt a dog! A big pupper, pupper dog! Okay, okay so we need to find a wolf.

    Not left click, shit now he's angry! That's a mad pupper! Oh my god, he's And he's got such big muscles, fortnite meta look at those big furry pecs! And I don't even remember, but did I turn on a texture pack?

    He looks fortnite meta real. Aaah, oooh, oh man. Oh man that's--he's not attacking me. Wow, I can't believe it. I can feel it, like, in real life too. A real thicc doggo.

    It's like he's digging straight up and there's gravel. Jeez, oh, oh man! Keep mining wolf, keep mining! I finally had to turn off my watch history. What about a to….

    PC cant be master race if theres a ton of holes and delays in their game library. Fortnite meta there are mul….

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    For me it's this. Capeshit sworduser DLC but now in wacky faggot colors. What is with all the fucking humans in Smash? Region DLC, will be fotrnite Jan New pokemon from Johto, new map, and story continuation. I have an fortnite meta to make Fuck law, fuck chaos, fuck the white and fuck demons. Did nobody else even slightly more capable fortnite meta the brain scan? Or did I metz somethi….

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