Fortnite | Real Life Battle Royale!!
Fortnite | Real Life Battle Royale!!
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Комментарии • 6 952
Bryan and Keven are just playing
Doobie Msdison 4 дня назад
Andro 11 pro 7 дней назад +1
no love fortnite love cs go
No one
Literally no one
4:02 me after I poop my pants
Siva Bridge 13 дней назад +1
07MegaShark 18 дней назад
You guys made a huge mistakes blue is worst than purple not better
Woods Wiffle League 21 день назад
Why is blue better than purple?
Thomas DelGiudice 22 дня назад
They have it backward blue 4 purple 3 is how it should be
luciana stefanus 24 дня назад
Play pubg the grafic is 3.3
Jaromiah Taylor 25 дней назад
2:50. That failed boost attempt😆😂
buccafurniNicholas Месяц назад
Mario Master Месяц назад
What Are Thoses Forts
Horvath William Месяц назад
Wait we’re is da gray blasters?
Editor: that’s is the worst to why should it be in
Daniel Dionne Месяц назад
If you’re not using airsoft or paintball you might as well go inside.
Lucas Forrest Месяц назад
Blue is 3 hits to kill but purple is 4 hits to kill Isn't purple better in the game?
Mustafa junaid Месяц назад +1
This is awesome and all but there r just copying dude perfect
Purple is better than blue
theres no gold theres orange
Emmanuel Reza Месяц назад
Dumbest video ever
The teams should have been Bryan and Kevin vs Joey and Matt vs Bobby and billy
Brothers vs brothers vs brothers
Kingdom Ice Месяц назад +1
Sub ToMehPls Месяц назад
Dey not gamers Dey gamer girls dat don’t know the game correctly 😂😂
Wait blue is 3 hits to kill and purple is 4 hits to kill
Do more fortnight
Angel Aguilar Месяц назад +3
Y purple worse than blue I would do it gold 2 hits purple 3 hits blue 4 hits green 5 hits and white 6 hits
AMIRULL FADZLI 2 месяца назад +2
Question, why you guys landing with umbrellas like Marry Poppins
Snak3warrior 13 2 месяца назад
I'm so confused on how they kept track of the health. It's really dumb to me I think they should have done it differently.
Will Da Best 2 месяца назад +1
Bryan and Keven weren’t concentrated at all!😅
Lincoln Games 2 месяца назад +5
5:27 bobby predicting the season 8 animations for fortnite
Riley Blakeman 2 месяца назад
Purpule is better than blue but in this Video blue is better than purpule
Deion Bassett 2 месяца назад
He was grabbing his butt
Buddered Up 2 месяца назад
Melissa Tactacan 2 месяца назад +2
Do they know that in fortnite you can revive your teammates
Lol Byte 2 месяца назад +1
Modern zelda breath of the wild
At 1:04 it sounded like one of them said a bad word
Chica and Bonnie Main and River 2 месяца назад
He stole fork knife from me and my brother
carol1999usa 2 месяца назад
vs mortle kambat 11
carol1999usa 2 месяца назад
1:00 you stream snipers
Fluffezic 2 месяца назад
i got a fortnite ad
this is ghost 2 месяца назад
The prairies are so cool
The Baller Rivera 2 месяца назад +1
Wait, if Kevin eliminated Connor and Bobby eliminated Kevin, Connor and Kevin should be knocked.
Reesey ZooCraft 2 месяца назад
Wow this HAS to be HARD to set up
Ripley Whitney 2 месяца назад +1
GachaXookie YT 2 месяца назад +1
I bet j-fred is so hot in the camouflage man i would’ve been dead
BJAM1015 2 месяца назад +1
@Pathogen 142 well can't argue with that logic
Pathogen 142 2 месяца назад
I'll do you one better
Jaron Clark 2 месяца назад
Ok it takes 3 hits to kill someone with a blue but 4 to kill someone with a purple logic
Sarah Pierson 2 месяца назад
Blue was three and purple was 4? C'mon people learn the rairity
Sam Armstrong 2 месяца назад
You're telling them things they barely know and youre angry at them when you don't even know how to spell
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