Everybody loves free stop this is that the truth doesn't everybody I look I like free I've never met anyone who says. I don't like free stuff like who doesn't like free stuff if it's good stuff you know if it's bad stuff then nobody.
Likes free stuff right nobody wants free you know free trash you know I'm saying like I come to your house at the pile of trash I say here you go, it's free nobody's like yes shotgun guys if you ever need a shotgun just head to the schoolyard over here nine, times out of ten there's a weapon right there boom ready to go you're you're in it hello dudes it's your favorite breakfast. Cereal no runs here today playing a little battle royale fortnight they just. Had a recent update change some things around a little bit one of the biggest one of the biggest things they've removed, well they didn't remove it but they reduced how many Rockets spawn so 25%, less rockets they increased the ammo which I'm a huge fan of like, why not right why not have a bunch of ammo it sucks when you run out of ammo there's no reason you should – if there's one more chest up series but I'm excited man, I'm so excited for the future of, this game with the scans and the different maps and the modding and all the cool stuff that's gonna come I like this game I'm having a, lot of fun in the game I love it I really, do I love this game I will say though that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing and, we are gonna start playing some other stuff on the channel just you know once a week maybe twice a week I just got to change it up for my own, sanity you guys know how I am if you follow the channel for more than six months. You guys know I switch games a lot just like you guys you guys switch games so just out of curiosity, post in the comments what are you guys.
Playing what about what else are you playing besides for tonight what else is how it looks is good you guys know the drill more keys in the next, video but you gotta get the like request up man you guys are. Slacking alright I asked for 50 likes to the last video and you gave me 29,000 all right so let's look we're gonna lower the goal because you guys obviously are. Lazy alright get this video up to 25 likes that's it just 25 likes and in the next video we're gonna drop some keys, alright Oh baby I'm gonna leave this scar guys sorry just kidding I know you guys are losing it last video you're. Like you left the epic scar add the epic bolts we're. Going to use a scar this round look at this we got 210 ammo – oh my lord this is good this is very good I think. This guy cleared this whole area looks like it see we're crabbing today. Here's somebody am I losing it I'm losing it this is. Trap in here right here on this corner I think it's below that maybe I don't know I don't want to risk it.
Though man I thought more people would land here memo boxes have been hit yeah I think it's blue airdrop move fighting over there let's push towards that I saw it on the backside, of this house kind of want to get the airdrop though you know. You can only push so many houses before it's tiresome you know that's my trap in there right yeah I appreciate, it might be basement I know he's in here ah feels good it's probably trying to heal this is my trap right I. Don't remember I'm scared now I'm going this, way I can't I'm pretty sure let's go towards that airdrop oh there's one closer to go get both of them so they buffed. The ammo which is man this is great look at this we have 400 rounds this is awesome another star yeah double star double orange scar this is to make, up for the last video let's go see what the hopefully this has like a sniper. Rocket launcher in it we're going full we're going full blast people are getting better at this game I.
Feel like so it's definitely getting harder to win is often so, you know the challenges and stuff I think I'll do the solo squad challenge still I'm still get that win there we go another star okay three gold stars three legendary skulls you know what, let's hop. On them all there you go guys alright I'm never gonna miss this car again we have three of them all legendaries but, I think I'm you know I'm just gonna continue to focus on getting better at the game you know when you do these challenges and stuff.
First of all it messes up the leaderboards for me which I you know I'm always trying these silly little. Challenges second of all I feel like you don't really get good at the game you know no pistol only you get good with, the pistol but you don't get good at the game you know don't get cocky with it with the Ozzy. Or something and I see a guy well. Now he knows where we're at let's push this guy we don't have a lot of time so we. Got to hurry up and do this huh I think you pushed over here into the prison what's going on here oh it's a trap it's a little bait I don't know where this sniper went, we could break the trap and then we're gonna give our position away though now let's just. Push not worried about it I think we're close to this guy you might be into prison to her, left just ready to throw walls down man what happened this dude well. Tree just broke this thing's a beast man this this legendary scar is absolutely the best gun in the game it's like you can snipe with it like it's crazy here we go speaking. Of sniping we're, gonna leave the we're gonna leave one of them guaranteed someone's triggered by that they're like man this guy's such a noob he left in. Third place and turkeys get triggered bro I don't know what to tell you I don't have room for, all the guns all right they need to add like double backpacks or something ooh this is a good ending it's kind of on the farm it. Looks like just making sure no one's pushing behind us it's actually get up trying to think you know what let's get up right here this. Is this is a good spot, I built a massive base during one time oh oh no not like this I built a massive base here one time and, was just lobbing grenades at everybody at the end is awesome because I refused to leave the circle came in destroyed me I. Don't see anybody though that's strange strange strange strange this is kind of. An aggressive play right here but yes we can build up a little bit will build up we're probably. A little too aggressive right now I'm just challenging people trying to get them to shoot at me this guy's way out here, that was too low I think all right we got switched positions I just shot plus the circles gonna come in yeah.
This is a great spot this this whole area is awesome it's a lot of little secret places to loot like chests hidden in the cave to our left someone's, in. The fields he's fighting someone else all right we're gonna push ahead Wow this guy's got a lot of ammo or we're just gonna push ahead of these guys I don't wanna I, want to fight here let them come to us well we'll set a trap. At the at the south end of the river here or pond I should say on, top of this hill and then that way they have to push towards us we're gonna be an elevated position we'll be fresh fresh to fight they'll be all weak fighting each. Other yeah look at this choke point right here fantastic build the standard rust sniper tower pushed us too low Nonna hi. Miss that oh the, loop-de-loop greed is real dude that guy was like he was like I'm looting this boy he had open low health I've. Barely even shot him just waiting for someone to push I feel like there's more six people left mmm all right let's push I think it looks safe let's go get that rocket launcher and, I have to leave one of the scars so they've reduced the rockets how many do we have, we have 14 so I got a lot of rockets man I mean this is a lot of rockets 14. Rockets at the end this ain't bad let's go push the center towards the air drops here, earlier I don't know where they went though there's some over here oh yeah there it is you, can use it as bait I'm just gonna run around I'm not even gonna build a base run around trying to hunt these guys I'm in serious mode right. Now all right I want to get a win yeah here we go no chance all right. You know what now let's build come here left three plus two one that's me oh my gosh my heart right now got, a heel if this guy pushes us we're screwed bring Swiss man that was really really close. So I was missing all my rockets we love this I think I just heard him oh yeah he's here that's how you. Do it boys I thought we. Were I thought we were well done for sure I thought we were t-boned at the end there boys good gracious great balls. Of the RPG coming at your face dudes much love today's Bible verse is Philippians 4:4 rejoice in the Lord always I will say it again, rejoice that's all I have for you guys have, a wonderful blessed day thank you thank you thank you guys for your amazing incredible support on this channel overwhelming it's been surreal and. We have some pretty awesome stuff coming in the future so I hope you stick around I hope you have a wonderful day I hope. All your family's in good health and you're in good spirits and everything goes your way today guys have a awesome awesome blessed. Day much love dudes catching.
The I'm far from home no place to go but I don't feel cold .
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