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How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World
Lecture by Chris Kerston, partner at Chaffin Orchards, gives his talk at the Weston A. Price Wise Traditions Conference 2012 in Santa Clara. See Links Below.
First 24 minutes - Introduction to Chaffin Family Orchards and how the farm integrates livestock into their old growth olive, stonefruit, and citrus orchards. Their operation is a 2,000 acre permaculture based farm in northern California. The sheep and cows graze and do all the mowing, the goats eat the invasive weeds, and the chickens eat the bugs and fertilize. The farm uses 85% less fuel than it used to.
24:45 - How Grassfed Beef Saves the World
Compare and Contrast Grass-fed vs. Feedlot CAFO system. See how grazing has the power to sequester carbon, inject organic matter into the soil, and increase water holding capacity and fertility. See the value of being predator friendly and how to use electric fences to mimic predation pressure.
The Meatrix - http://youtu. be/rEkc70ztOrc
Savory Institure - http://youtu. be/JxgDcBHTFm4
Dan Dagget - http://youtu. be/jSIJsudP76Q
Alan Savory - http://youtu. be/ZOmlw2eiW1I
1:01:20 Why Eat Grassfed Beef
Nutritional benefits
Food safety - E Coli O157:H7
Cooking Grass-fed Beef
Dry Aged Beef
1:07:20 - The Cavalry is Coming
http://www. wearewhatweeat. org/
1:10:00 Question \u0026 Answer
Chris How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, Kerston How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, WAPF How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, Grassfed How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, Beef How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, Presentation How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, dan dagget How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, alan savory How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, savory instititute How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, grazing How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, permaculture How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, orchards How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, livestock How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, grass-fed How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, joel salatin How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, meatrix How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, will winter How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, stocking density How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, mob grazing How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, cattle managment How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, polyface farm How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, weston price How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, conference How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, acres How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, sheep How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, lamb How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, wool How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, goats How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, meat How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, vegetarian How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, vegan How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, veganism How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, paleo How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, paleolithic diet How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, Diet (nutrition) How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, farming How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, ranching How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, GAPS How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, e coli How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, O157:H7 How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, CAFO How Grassfed Beef Will Save the World, feedlot
Channel: ChaffinOrchards
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